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Man in Florida swallows stolen Tiffany earrings before police arrest him

An alleged thief in Florida swallowed stolen earrings of more than half a million moments before the police were held last week.

Orlando police accused the man, Jaythan Giller, 32, of lying to Tiffany and Partners staff at the Florida Store of telling him that he represented a “professional athlete”, which prompted the employees to show him “several high -value pieces.”

Mr. Gilir, then stole earrings and run out of the store.

When the officers fell with him later that day, they saw Mr. Gilder “swallowing several things believed to be stolen earrings,” the police said.

It was claimed that Mr. Gilder tried to steal a couple of earrings at a value of $ 769,500 (597,000 pounds), in addition to the diamond ring that he is supposed to drop while escaping from the store.

The police later released the X -rays that appeared to appear the individual’s belly with a foreign body inside.

When asked by the BBC, the Orlando police did not say whether they had recovered jewelry.

Police also said that Mr. Gilir stole Tiffany and Co. before, and stole the Texas store in 2022.

There are 48 separate notes to arrest him in the nearby Colorado, as well.

The police accused Mr. Giller of stealing with a great mask and aft in the first degree, which included stolen goods valued at more than $ 100,000. It is assumed that he is innocent until he is proven to be guilty in court.

2025-03-05 19:39:00

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