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Bulgarian woman based in UK denies spying for Russia

A accused Bulgarian woman denied that she is part of a Russian spy cell working in the UK knowing that the information she collected will be sent to Russia.

Catherine Ivanova, 33, is accused of spying for Russia in a series of complex operations in the United Kingdom and Europe.

He claimed that she had targeted an American military base in Germany and secretly depicted two journalists who are considered to be the enemies of the Russian state.

The jury heard that there is a danger that journalists were kidnapped or assassinated.

Providing evidence for the first time, Mrs. Ivanova denied being a spy.

She accepted the follow -up of the targeted people by operations, and travel throughout Europe, but she said she did not know the real purpose of this activity.

She said that she believed that one of the operations targeting the journalist Christo Gruziv was in itself a form of the press and will reveal to the public that he was corrupt.

“The plan was an attempt to expose Mr. Gruziv,” she said.

However, no information has been published at all and “nothing has already happened.”

She said that her partner at the time was easier for Dahmabzov-who told the jury that she had documented in her life-asking her to participate in the surveillance operations.

“My partner has been more than 10 years ago. Why did he do something that will harm me,” she said.

Ms. Ivanova told the court that the operations were helping the friend of Dahmabzov, Orlene Roussev, who helped the couple financially after they moved to the United Kingdom for the first time in 2012.

She said that the couple met for the first time in Rousseff at East Creidon in 2012, and went for dinner with him at the “Luxury” restaurant near the Thames.

She said, “I was very affected.” “It was a person I always wanted to be. It was the story of a typical hero immigrant.”

Dzhambazov and Roussev have already recognized a plot to spy for Russia.

Mrs. Ivanova wiped tears in the witness box because she described learning how her partner was arrested in bed with the other alleged female spy in this trial, Vania Gabrova, 30.

The jury heard that Dzhambazov and Mrs. Gaberova were in bed together when the police arrived to arrest them in February 2023.

She said that Dahmabzov told her that he was suffering from a brain tumor and went out to treatment. She now believes that this was a lie so that he could live a “parallel life” with Mrs. Gabrova.

The trial continues.

2025-01-24 20:10:00

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