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Cuts to US national parks and forests spark outrage as summer nears

Max Matza

BBC News

ReportingSeattle, Washington
Getty Images is a group of visitors in bright sportswear sitting on the floor or standing to listen to the Grand Canyon tourist guide, at the garden guard and olive hat, which stands in their confrontation with an iron at the edge of the valley. Outside the handrails, it was the colored valley in LibyaGety pictures

The sharp cuts of the Trump administration of employees in national gardens, forests and wildlife habitats sparked an increasing violent reaction, as public access efforts and conservation in these remote land landscapes fade.

Visitors have already felt by visitors – who watch long garden entry lines, reduced hours in visitors, closed paths and dirty public facilities – and workers who are not concerned only with their future while reducing their functions, but also in the event of this external miracle erosion.

Each season, Kate White and her team usually carry 600 pounds (270 kg) of garbage on their backs of magic, a sensitive wilderness in the Alps that is located in Washington State, welcomes more than 100,000 visitors annually.

Often, employees are often needed to maintain the back toilets that must be served with helicopters, which Mrs. White says may excel without appropriate maintenance.

“I am not quite sure of what the plan is to accomplish it,” she says.

“This is likely to be very harmful to the ecological system in this field, and perhaps for the visitor’s experience.”

But one of the most important parts of its function is to maintain the safety of people – and that they are there if the worst happens.

As a patriotic guardian of the forest for more than nine years, she saw her share of the tragedy when hikers or camps face harsh weather and remote and difficult terrain. People who faced life -threatening injuries and even the bodies of hikers who died while they were leaving in the sharp mountainous area are often ice.

“We were usually first in the scene if something happened,” she says.

On any typical Saturday in the summer months, she was speaking to 1000 visitors on average. She and her team published reports about the conditions of a trail and helped the hikers who appeared unprepared – wearing sandals or did not carry enough water – and directed them to easier and safer ways.

Now, those jobs have been given.

She is concerned about what the discounts will mean for the future of public safety and how people experience American gardens and forests, especially before the crowded spring and summer months when millions travel to the visit.

BBC News/ Max Matza Washington, the famous AasGard Pass, is a snow -covered mountain path with a lake at the bottom. BBC News/ Max Matza

Many people have died of walking AASGARD (seen on the left) at Washington’s tops known as magic

The mass finals, which were first announced on February 14, led to 5 % of the National Park service – about 1000 workers – are forced to go out.

These discounts hit the American forest service, which keeps thousands of miles from the famous long -distance walking paths, even difficult. About 10 % of the forest service employees – about 3400 people, including Mrs. White and her team – were launched.

The discounts have increased the management of the national parks, which get about 325 million visitors annually, as well as the national forests, which see about 159 million visitors every year.

Long waiting lists of cars were suspended outside the Grand Canyon National Park during the weekend on President’s Day, one day after the mass shooting, due to a lack of losses to check people at the gate. Similar lines of cars grow in other gardens as well.

A famous path outside Seattle was closed indefinitely after only hours of announcing the discounts, with a mark in the corridor, explaining that the closure “due to the extensive end of forest service employees” and “will reopen it when we return to the appropriate employment levels.”

Photography: Brettany Colt,, brittanycolt un application American flag hanging on the form of a rock formation in DuskPhotography: Brettany Colt,, brittanycolt

At Yosemite National Park, the annual “Firefall” scene has led to a different type of show this year when a group, which includes employees, attached an inverted American flag in the park to protest the deep discounts in the Trump administration to employees.

Andrea Townsin, a biologist in meat, who supervised a team of eight people in Yosemit National Park before being expelled in an e -mail, told the BBC that she was “100 %” supporting protest.

“It attracts a lot of good attention to this issue,” she says.

she She says she She is particularly concerned about the future of endangered species that she was working to protect.

She studied MS Townsund and tied GPS to Sierra Nevada Red Fox and Pacific Fisher, which is associated with Gharir, in attempts to track and preserve species.

“Both are in terrible straps,” she says, where only about 50 fishermen and 500 red foxes remain in the wild.

The employees were also cut on a brother’s site similarly.

“I don’t want to be talent and depression, but it is really difficult to say what the future is now,” she says.

“The future of memorization feels very certain.”

Getty pictures Sierra Nevada Reed Fox is surrounded by snowGety pictures

Former Yosmayet employee Andrea Townsin is afraid that the discounts will affect the survival of Sierra Nevada Red Fox, who is in danger.

The couple for a long time Claire Thompson, 35 years old, and Xander Demetrios, 36, have She worked in forest service about a decade ago, when tracks were preserved in Washington State in central Washington so that the tourists can explore the snow -covered CASCADE Mountains.

The email was killed by shooting, and thousands of other employees pointed to the “performance” problems – which is a problem with him.

“Especially with the amount that we have exceeded,” says Mr. Dimitrius, explaining that his work in the back country may carry a great danger to his safety, and sometimes it includes saving people from dangerous situations, including one person who fell into the river and has become low body heat.

Ho and Mrs. Thompson carried heavy equipment through rugged terrain, sometimes through the malignant weather, to remove paths and fix bridges and bridges – and it has never been paid more than $ 22 (17.40 pounds) per hour.

Ms. Thompson added: “It was painful – insulting – to feel that your work has decreased its value, and by the people who I am completely sure that they have the concept of what we do at all.”

It was presented to the BBC Dimitrius and Tumbson smiling in the middle of the clearing process in a mountain forest, with a visible mountain peak in the background. Demetrios contains a beard and wears a green sporty jacket, brown work pants and long -distance walking shoes, with a bisbul hat that protects his eyes. Tomson stands beside him on a rock to be longer, wearing orange pants, a red vanilla shirt, a bispol hat and a long -distance walking bag. Submitted to BBC

Claire Thompson and Xander Demetrios have spent years working in forest service, but they are now out of work

After a violent reaction, dozens of national park employees have been renewed since the mass finishes on Valentine’s Day. The Minister of Interior Doug Burgum, who supervises the National Parks Service Department (NPS), has also committed to employing more than 5,000 seasonal workers during the next warm months.

“On a personal level, of course, I have great sympathy for anyone who loses a job,” Burgum Fox News was told last Friday.

“But I think we must realize that every American is better if we stop a $ 2 trillion deficit annually.”

The Ministry of Government Efficiency (DOGE) claims by Elon Musk has provided more than 65 billion dollars in the wide cuts that achieved dozens of federal agencies throughout the government. However, no evidence was provided to support this number, which will be represented around 0.9 % of the federal budget is the entire 2024.

Watch: “Praise be to God for Elon Musk” – Maga Republicans praise Doge Cuts

Outdoor defenders say travelers currently planning outdoor vacations to national gardens should expect many issues, including increased garbage, lack of residence and lack of many services they expect.

“If the administration does not reflect these policies, visitors will need to reduce their expectations.”

Some of these discounts are already: Yosemite has launched its only locks, Gettysburg launched the employees who deal with the cabin reservations of visitors, and the damage to the Appalachian track will not be repaired in a timely manner for the roles trying to complete the course of 2,200 miles (3540 km).

Meanwhile, private companies that work in and around the gardens will lose billions of dollars if visitors decrease, according to NPCA.

Fears are also growing about the lack of park and forest services who are helping to fight the wildfire during the dry season.

Wild firefighters, such as Dan Hilden, were exempt from forest service discounts. He says that the roles of people who were finished are “completely decisive” on fire safety. Many fires are fighting directly, while others are responsible for the country’s backgrounds – people – people are asked to leave and make sure that no one is at risk of widening fires.

“I don’t know how we will do this this summer, because we rely heavily on it,” says Helden, explaining that it takes several days to travel to the wilderness of this survey.

“Every year, things get worse with the increase in employment issues. This year will be much worse.”

2025-03-01 05:14:00

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