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New fires erupt in southern California ahead of Trump visit

Five new fires erupted in southern California before US President Donald Trump’s visit to the state.

Fires – called Laguna, Sepulfida, Jebel, Gilman and Burder 2 – on Thursday in the provinces of Los Angeles, San Diego, Fintora and Rivside.

Meanwhile, firefighters made progress in controlling the Hughes fire, which has an area of ​​10,000 acres in Los Angeles, and contained 36% since its outbreak on Wednesday.

The fires destroyed the American state over the past few weeks, as fires of lymphis and Etone have devoured a total of more than 37,000 acres and killed at least 28 people.

Below are some details about the latest fires, based on updates from the California Fire Department: Cal Fire:

  • Border 2 fire in San Diego extends over an area of ​​800 acres. The evacuation orders are currently present
  • Laguna fire in Ventura covers 94 acres and 70 % of it was controlled
  • The Sibulida fire in Los Angeles extends over an area of ​​45 acres, and 60% of it contained. In an update published on the X website, the Los Angeles Fire Department said it had prevented the spread of the fire and the evacuation orders were raised
  • The Gibl fire broke out in the Rivside Province, and covered an area of ​​15 acres. Firefighting crews managed to stop the progress of the fire
  • The forest fire is called Gilman in San Diego Fedin, but the progress of the fire was stopped

Trump Los Angeles is scheduled to visit Friday to inspect the damage caused by forest fires.

The newly erected president criticized the response to fires and threatened to block federal assistance if California fails to change the way it runs water supply.

California governor, Javin Newsum, has repeatedly claimed that the state is suffering from water problems because it turned supplies to save a small fish called “smell”.

When the American media asked him if he would cut funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Trump said: “I may have to do so. Sometimes this is the only thing you can do. California is a great example of this.”

“If you have already explored people’s opinions, they do not want safe cities, but Javin Newsum wants them. These radical left -wing politicians want it.”

BBC told the BBC that Trump will not reject the federal assistance to the state.

He said: “The most important thing we focus on is the delivery of federal aid to California, to these societies in which people have lost their lives and homes.”

“In the history of this country, federal aid has not been linked in disaster cases at all if you do this, you will understand it. This is the ongoing discussion, this has never happened.”

The Hughes fire, the third largest fire in the state, was forced after fires of Palisades and Etone, tens of thousands of people to evacuate after its outbreak on Wednesday.

According to Cal Fire, the crew managed to make progress in a fast -moving fire on Thursday.

According to the BBC, Los Angeles is at risk of fires today with quick winds.

It is expected that rain during the weekend in the province, as well as snow in the mountains of southern California.

2025-01-24 12:28:00

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