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When life becomes complicated, our instincts often lead us to the wrong way. We isolate ourselves when society can heal us, or we dream of an endless vacuum when it can achieve a new challenge.
I spent 15 years in the study happinessAnd I had the opportunity to speak with thousands of people in all aspects of life, as all levels of income – from executives in the corner offices to the front lines workers.
I learned that regardless of their background or circumstances, The happiest people Discover how to actively train their brains Look for joy and contentment.
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1. Give priority to friendships: The happiest people treat them near Relations As not negotiable instead of “Latifa”. And when they determine the time of her boyfriend, they try to focus on doing activities together instead of just catching a quick knee.
2. Strategic comfort: I was mentally exhausted? Go to run. The fried brain of analytical work? Do something creative with your hands. Most of the content knows how to match them with what they have exhausted them How to recover.
3. Evil at creative work: People who spend time Creative activitiesWhether that to cookWriting, gardening or drawing, reporting much higher levels of happiness. When you create something new, even if it is very bad watercolors, your mind shines with ways to pass it on your phone never spin.
4. Community cultivation: The next time you feel tension or fatigue, continue instead of clouds. Help someone else or find a reason that fills you with a feeling of goal. Your mind may initially protest, but your happiness will rise.
5. Do not be afraid of the exit: The happiest people do not play it wonderfully. They are actively looking for things and people The activities that illuminate them. You know the enthusiasm you feel when you talk about an activity you love? This is in fact the secret component of daily happiness.
6. Set the company’s boundaries: Research says we need Two to five hours of spare time Every day for the climax of happiness. People are happy to protect “time for me”, and they know that emails for this work can wait for a later time.
7. Manage your energy: People are happy Learn about their personal and valleysSchedule the tasks you require when they are naturally more alert and recovery periods when they usually rise. They create the days that flow with biology, rather than fighting against it.
8. Embrace small contacts: Research shows this random Talks with people you do not know Do your mood constantly improve, so that chat with your Parista is just a happiness that you never knew that you are missing.
9. Tasting goodness: The content really does not rush. They slow down to absorb the positive moments completely – the beauty of the sunset, the taste of good food, and the feeling of achievement. Through these experiments, they train their brains to experience joy in a deeper way.
10. Follow -up to a meaningful progress: People always celebrate the little victory along their journey. They understand that the feeling of momentum itself generates more joy than reaching the final destination at all.
People who have been met with real joy in their lives do not look at happiness in terms of the moment of lights – permanent applause, teacher or perfect day. They consider it more like a series of lights. Every small bulb may look little on its own, but they create a magical thing.
Start with one of these deliberate children Happiness habits Today, see your ability to prosper, contentment and contentment grows over time.
Jessica Weiss He is the main speaker and executive coach who teaches people and companies how to find more happiness, loyalty and satisfaction at work. With a background in positive psychology, she spent 15 years working with international brands such as Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson and American Express. It is the author of the next book, “Happiness”: the science of prosperity at work.
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2025-03-01 13:55:00
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